Introducing the CMAP Fee Estimator.

The Fee Estimator takes the guesswork out of creating accurate job costings.

Fee Estimator
  1. Rate cards contain your hourly charge rates. You can have client-specific rate cards and different currencies.
  2. You can split projects into separate tabs, each containing the various delivery stages of your projects.
  1. Define the key tasks you need to complete for each stage. These can be added and amended with ease.
  2. Choose the roles you'll need to complete the tasks and how much time you think they'll need.
  1. CMAP automatically calculates your fee based on the hours, roles and rate card you've chosen.
  2. Save your fee estimate as a template to re-use in future and export it to Microsoft Word to include in your proposal.
CMAP Feedback
CMAP's great when working out fees. The job costing tool saves so much valuable time.
John Haynes
Senior Partner at idpartnership midlands

Handling external costs and adjustments.

Working with the Fee Estimator

The Additionals area of the Fee Estimator enables you to add non-time costs to your job costing, such as items you need to buy from external suppliers.

Adjusting Quotes with the Fee Estimator

The Adjustments area of the Fee Estimator enables you to adjust your quote up or down, such as when discounting.

Templates make it even easier.

Fee Estimates

To make job costing even quicker and easier, you can choose to base your fee estimate on an existing template.

Templates also help you to ensure you're quoting in a uniform manner across your business no matter who's creating the quote.

You can create as many templates as you like and update them as you learn and refine your approach.

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